Posted by Driftwater
Me and some fellow board mates were talking today. Since there really isn't too much action on the board, could we take a vote to open up the board to allow one more dupe? I mean, we're focusing on some end came things and I got a healer and DPS, but it would be GREAT to have a spell caster. Like a mage for room spells or bard for buffs. Me and Jimmy, manning, cthulu and marvel play at keys a lot and make boss runs frequently. We could also accomplish a lot more if we had another account. Let me know what you think. I don't see why it would matter. It's not like anyone would DIE or something. SO WHATCHA THINK!??!?!?!?!?!? YOU LOVE IT?!?!?!? <3<3<3 Eric
Hey man,
Spent all week moving into my new house. Just got my internet up and will be logging on tonight. Going to make a Mage on the board probably tomorrow at some point. Not dead, or quitting just moving. Still have so much to unpack. But I'll have my desk built and my computers up tonight. Talk to you guys soon! Excited to power level a Mage!
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