Bard bug
Posted by brrewbie 
Bard bug
August 19, 2014 07:27AM
I'm not sure if this affects play at all but wanted to know if anyone has seen this at all before:

[HP=321/341,MA=125/169]:hero tos
You attempt to cast song of heroism, but fail.
You attempt to cast song of heroism, but fail.
You sing the song of heroism to ToS!

It happens nearly every time and I have played bards before and never seen it

Looks like it happens when it is already cast on a chara. So I tried it with MITE and AGIL.. AGIL worked, MITE failed every time.

So...are we playing off the most recent ver of MMUD? and if not, is there anything about bard spells in the release notes for following versions? Can anyone help?

Don't see it actually affecting play atm, not seriously anyhow. But I am curious. The only one I had seen before is sometimes being able to train with heroism cast on you...and then you have to reallocate all CPs.
avatar Re: Bard bug
August 19, 2014 03:46PM
I know bards are suppose to have 100% spell casting, however, its a modifier and not truly 100%. I recall playing bard back in the day and every so often failing a spell. Majormud is running the latest version with no alteration to the code via Hex or any other software.
Re: Bard bug
August 23, 2014 07:33AM
oh no they fail casts...the interesting part is what you see above is ONE cast of the spell. One cast and two fails and one successful.

It's kinda like the weird multicast sandstorm the manscorpions get.

Few other weird things I have noticed too
Re: Bard bug
September 13, 2014 10:03PM
FYI..pretty sure my bard can crash the board too....
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